And for her next project…

As an incentive to help her make the final push to get to 1,000 points of painted Nighthaunts, I told my daughter that I would buy her another miniature of her choice as a bonus once she was finished. Together, we perused GW’s website and I showed her the various armies available for Age of Sigmar. She initially decided that she wanted something skeletal, so we narrowed it down to either Nagash or Ossiarch Bonereapers, and then finally, the Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon kit — specifically, the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (I suspect because it manages to combine three of her favorite things into one fantastic miniature).

Like many GW kits, besides the model that originally caught her eye, this kit can be assembled in several other ways to create a variety of monsters and riders — but only one per kit. At dinner tonight, we were discussing when she would like to start this next project, and she informed me that she wants to first review the stats of each model to get an idea of how they perform in-game before making her final decision — a proud moment for the father of a young gamer. 😲

This truly caught me by surprise because I thought she chose this mini based purely on aesthetics and cool factor. We’ve played a few games of Warhammer recently, but I didn’t realize just how much she’s getting into it and how much of a gamer she’s becoming.

Studio paint job, NOT painted by either me or my daughter. But give her a few years, and she may be able to paint something equally impressive.

As a side note, the Start Collecting: Flesh-Eater Courts box was only a little bit more than the price of the Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon by itself and creates significantly more value. Did I need the extra minis that came in the box, or was this purchase unnecessary? Debatable. But at its price point, it would have been an absurd choice not to get it, right? 🙂

And four banshees makes 1,000!

After finishing off the Nighthaunt portion of the Soul Wars boxed set, over the last several months, my daughter has continued to work on-and-off on additional units to –ahem– flesh out her army.

She finished a small unit of Myrmourn Banshees the other day using our tried-and-true paint scheme, which brings her painted total to 1,000 points! Not a large army, but enough to play what’s typically considered the minimum size for Age of Sigmar.

Just a little over a year ago…

…I got my Soul Wars boxed set, and now the Nighthaunt portion of it is complete. I made a deal with my daughter that if she helped me paint them, she could claim ownership over them.

We worked on assembly and basing together last summer, and I created a quick and easy paint scheme which I tested on a few of the minis. I showed her how to apply the paint scheme, and then she eventually took over and ran with it, painting most of the army by herself. And today was the day that I fulfilled my end of the bargain.

I’m really proud of my little painter and what she accomplished at only eight years old. Now to get on with the Stormcast half of the set…

That feeling when…

…one of the inspirations behind something you do decides that it’s time to pack it in and move on. The video is two months old now and I only saw it tonight because I randomly decided to check if Terranscapes had published any new videos lately. Somehow I missed the announcement when it was first published, so I’m feeling especially bummed about finding out about it so late.

Small and powerful

Century: Golem Edition is a masterclass in creating an evocative theme by using lovely artwork that bypasses the need for text-based exposition. One place it stumbles though is in using the word “Acquire” for the action in which a player trades a set of crystals for a golem card. “Activate” is a word much richer in meaning, fits better with the theme, and is much more descriptive of what is actually taking place in the game. A small point to critique, and one that is irrelevant in terms of mechanics and gameplay, but a powerful one in terms of immersion.

That feeling when…

…you order a copy of Twilight Imperium off of eBay, then get a message from the seller that he sent you the wrong item by mistake but that he’ll send the correct one and you can keep the wrong one, then Twilight Imperium arrives two days later, and then the package containing the second item arrives two days after that and you find out what the mystery item is:

Some days, I’m luckier than any man has any reasonable right to be.

Boerogg Blackrime, Rebased

I posted about Boerogg Blackrime a year ago, lamenting the fact that when I painted him, I didn’t know how to give him a proper snow-themed base like the one I envisioned in my mind. In the now 6+ years since I painted him, although my painting abilities have not significantly increased, my terrain and basing skills certainly have.

I’ve been on a kick recently of going back and finishing miniature projects that I started a while ago and which have been languishing for far too long, and Boerogg is part of this group. Given that he was already finished before now, this is technically a revision and not a completion, but redoing his base is something that I’ve wanted to do for a while now, so I’m including it in that group.

For the new base, I switched him to a 60mm circle. Fortunately, removing him from his old base was very easy. The superglue holding him in place provided a solid connection, but after some wiggling, it gave way and he popped off easily and with no damage to the paint job.

I went with a new “tundra” theme that I developed recently. Despite being a snow theme, there’s quite a bit of green used with this theme. If you look closely, you can see not only the larger grass tufts, but small patches of green flock showing through the snow in some spots. The base was also large enough to allow the inclusion of a small water feature.

In addition to the base, I took the opportunity to do some other touch-ups as well. One small change was making the color of the necklace match better with the rest of the colors on this model. A more significant one was repainting his sword blade. I had originally thoughts that the “blue ice” look was cliched and I went with a glossy-white look instead. It was another detail I wasn’t completely satisfied with at the time, but it was the best I could do, so I left it. This time around, I went with the more traditional blue ice, and I’m really pleased with how the blending came out.

That’s probably all of the work that I’ll do on this mini. Other than fixing occasional paint chips and scratches that occur, I don’t normally go back work on minis once they’re finished. Being one of my personal best, Boerogg was an exception.